Quick and easy tortilla wraps

Who isn’t in a rush, raise your hand!
I don’t know why, but things tend to pile up by the end of the week. We find ourselves dashing to finish all the things we didn’t do in the previous four days, to prevent them from spilling into our well-deserved (and always already too busy) weekend.
Come on, it can’t be Friday already! If I look behind, I must admit that – so far – it has been a productive week but, if I look at the ambitious to-do list I jotted down last Sunday night, I need at least an extra day to finish everything. Since I can’t have it, I’ll have to carve out the extra hour I need for mowing the grass before the rain.
How? By cutting my lunch cooking time with my quick and easy tortillas.
Try one for breakfast and one to take to the office for your lunch, or perhaps all four of them for your family dinner tonight.

 Wrap # 1


(serves 2 people)  A  V  B  Gf

  • 2 white corn tortillas *
  • 2 Tbsp. low-fat whipped cream cheese
  • 1 avocado
  • 1Tbsp. Evoo
  • ½ cup pecan nuts, chopped
  • 1 tsp. cilantro, chopped
  • 1 pinch of paprika
  • 1 pinch of salt

Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, remove the flesh with a spoon, transfer into a cup, and mash it with a fork.  Add the salt, the Evoo, and the cilantro and stir to blend all the ingredients.
Chop the pecan nuts and mix them with the cream cheese, together with the paprika.
Warm up the tortillas in a hot pan greased with oil, 1 minute on each side. Spread the cream cheese on the tortillas, spread the avocado on the cream cheese, wrap and serve immediately.

* or choose a different  kind among the many delicious ones by La Tortilla Factory http://latortillafactory.com/default.aspx

Wrap # 2


(serves 2 people)  A  V  B  Gf

  • 2 white corn tortillas
  • 2 Tbsp. homemade mayonnaise (see recipe)
  • 1 green onion
  • 8 asparagus, steamed
  • 2 organic eggs, boiled
  • 1 pinch of salt

Boil the eggs and steam the asparagus, both for 6 minutes from when the water starts boiling.
Wash and chop the green onion.
Chop the eggs and mix them with the mayonnaise.
Warm up the tortillas in a hot pan greased with oil, 1 minute on each side.
Lay 4 asparagus on each tortilla, add salt, the chopped green onion, cover with the egg/mayo mix, wrap the tortillas and serve warm.

Wrap # 3


(serves 2 people)  A  V  B  Gf

  • 2 white corn tortillas
  • 4 Tbsp. of fresh goat cheese
  • ¼ cup pistachios, chopped
  • 2 Tbsp. of olive tapenade
  • 2 Tbsp. Evoo
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 pinch of salt

In a small bowl, mix the goat cheese with the Evoo, the freshly ground pepper and the chopped pistachios.
Warm up the tortillas in a hot pan greased with oil, 1 minute on each side.
Spread half of the goat cheese mix on each tortilla, spread the olive tapenade on the goat cheese, wrap and serve immediately.

Wrap # 4

In for a sweet surprise? This one is perfect for breakfast, as a mid-afternoon snack for your children or as dessert for your Tortilla Dinner.


(serves 2 people)  A  V  B  Gf

  • 2 white corn tortillas
  • 2 Tbsp. of fresh ricotta cheese
  • 1/3 cup toasted pine nuts
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 orange
  • 2 tsp. organic honey

In a small bowl, mix the ricotta cheese with the honey and the pine nuts.
Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, remove the flesh with a spoon, transfer into a cup, and mash it with a fork.
Squeeze half orange and add its juice to the mashed avocado, stirring well to make it creamy.
Warm up the tortillas in a hot pan greased with oil, 1 minute on each side.
Spread the ricotta cheese mix on the tortillas, spread the avocado on the ricotta cheese, wrap and serve.

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